Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 8, 2006

From the "Anita Project" Trenches: "Ernie" and "Colonel Supertemp"

"Update does not run a tight ship; it is more like the Titanic. On Anita's project, Update's onsite monitor, Ernie, sits in his office all day doing crosswords trying to avoid any interaction with the temp attorneys. God forbid you ask him to adjust the air conditioning; he will bark at you like a dog. He sets it at one temperature regardless of whether it is 60 or 95 degrees outside. With over 100 people using a cramped toilet, Update used to provide toilet seat covers, but they stopped doing that. Ernie got offended because somebody damaged the cover holder, so no more seat covers for the temps. Ernie is the laziest good for nothing person on the project and that is saying a lot given the number of slackers here. He does not want to be bothered period. When he has to address the group, he does so with such derision and contempt. He and the rest of Update should realize and appreciate that without temp attorneys billing all these hours, there would be no Update.

How about the female Stepford Update staffers stopping giving preferential treatment and the cushiest well paying assignments to certain male temps who flatter them? How about they stop making wankers like "Supertemp" project leaders? How about Update contributing a few bucks to a health plan and a 401 (k) plan? A little quid pro quo might rehabilitate your image."

--"Anita Project" Worker

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 8, 2006

Dating The Help

Is Exposing A Fellow Co-Worker's Relationship With The Boss A Legitimate Labor Issue?
Yes, It is Fair Game, Creates An Obvious Conflict Of Interest
No, Everyone Should Mind Their Own Business
Free polls from

(Only 1 vote per I.S.P. address will register)

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 8, 2006

From the "Anita Project" Trenches: Fran's Live Report

Super Temp is back -- he's on another project, and he's got his eye on a Privilege QC Captain.

The associate is dating a girl who never spoke to anyone. She used to dress in cheap K-Mart low-cut tank tops until she started dating him - the best-dressed associate. Now she's getting preferential treatment, special projects; she comes in whenever she pleases, and she takes excessive breaks.

The associate was also flirting with another temp heavily, and there is speculation they were dating as well - I believe it's the same girl the Super Temp likes.

Crazy Temp, who allegedly slashed her bf's tires, is back to her antics again. It is widely known that she does not like black people and will go out of her way to get them all fired from the project. She's being courted by a tall and way-too-skinny guy that no one likes. They're perfect together.

Other romances keep popping up, but all the lovesick lovers are in denial.

"Galanzo," commented on in previous posts, is on the Anita project.

Do you remember "Ronald McDonald"? He replaced "Supertemp" when Supertemp left for the summer. He bosses everyone around like he's the coach of a football team. He even gets people to huddle.

Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 8, 2006

Summer on the Anita Project

"Tons of gossip on the Anita project. One of the associates is dating a temp.

Tons of people axed.

Super Temp is gone.

Crops of other Super Temps popped up.

The A/C blew out."

-- Anonymous Source, "Fran": (Fed up - Really - Anonymous -Newssource)

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