Put aside for a moment the fact that law schools are popping up on every corner; that starving solos, in order to feed their families, are flooding the courts with ridiculous junk lawsuits http://overlawyered.com/; that heavily indebted temp labor pools are readily being crammed into cockroach ridden basements; that the availability of federally backed credit is funding the creation of a new subprime educational loan bubble; that the profiteers off many of these new junk law schools are oftentimes shady private equity firms with questionable past histories http://denver.bizjournals.com/denver/stories/2008/02/18/daily46.html; that a past president of the ABA (the very organization which is responsible for accrediting many of these junk schools) is now sitting on a board which seeks to profit off the creation of one http://www.infilaw.com/policymembers.htm#archer; that tuition and graduate loan debts are skyrocketing; that many of the so called non-for-profit educational institutions are oftentimes staffed with lazy, good for nothing administration fatcats; the list could go on and on . . . .
Without question, as the legal profession continues to deteriorate, an entire sub-industry has been created that is profiting off the hopes and broken dreams of an entire generation. To add insult to injury, this is all being carried out under the cover of darkness. As yesterday's AP article demonstrates, many of these profiteering sheisters are getting away with fraud and downright dishonesty:
"Too many {law school post-graduation career} stats are self-reported. Henderson's research has found evidence of 'massive exaggeration' by law schools when they report what graduates are up to. 'If we really started unpacking these numbers,' Henderson said in an interview, 'we would see some really unattractive accounting how law schools classify their graduates. It would be borderline scandalous.'"
As Prof. Henderson noted, "it's time to send in the accountants." The statistical shennanigans that many of these schools have been engaged in simply needs to stop. Let's clean up these numbers, so that maybe in the coming years we can spare a few people from the misery of the white collar sweatshop.
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