Every afternoon, thick, putrid, white smoke would emanate up from the deli downstairs. Scrambling to avoid the nauseating stench of decaying chicken-fat, people would work hand in hand to close several of the heavy, glass-paned 19th century windows.
The lack of adequate on-site bathroom facilities. Having two small, cramped air-plane sized restrooms for over 120 people is simply unsustainable. Many a time people have shot off the floor like rockets in an apparent mad-dash to relieve themselves. Some people have resorted to sneaking into the lobby of a hotel across the street in order to utilize their facilities. I started doing this myself when I found out that someone on the public internet terminal was researching on how to clear up a herpes and syphilis infection. Thankfully, after several weeks, project management saw the light and was kind enough to invest in paper toilet-seat covers.
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