Referrals to New York State attorneys. The Lawyer Referral and Information Service is a public service of the New York State Bar Association that provides ...
Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2007
Piggy Swooney

Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 4, 2007
Big Owl Is Back

Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2007
Let's Get Ready To Humble
I also can't wait to see who throws the next punch in the battle royale occurring in the comments section of my previous post. Can anyone top a slapdown from David M. Barshay, Esq.? I'm thinking it will take another named partner. Then again, the looming spectre of Skip Short, and the results he got in the aforementioned cases, may provide the ultimate trump card...
Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 4, 2007
Hell: Experiencing Intermittent Flurries
The Appellate Division's decision from today in A.B. Med. Servs., PLLC v Liberty Mut. Ins. Co. sets out the thrust of their reversal of the Appellate Term:
"To the extent the Appellate Term's order may be understood to require an insurer denying a claim for first-party no-fault benefits on the ground of lack of medical justification to include a medical rationale in its denial of claim form, we agree with the defendant that the court erred. The applicable regulations provide that if a no-fault claim is denied in whole or in part based on a medical examination or peer review report requested by the insurer, then the insurer shall release a copy of that report to, among others, the applicant or its attorney, upon written request (see 11 NYCRR 65-3.8[b][4]). Had it been the intent of the Department of Insurance to require the carrier to set forth a medical rationale in the prescribed denial of claim form (see NYS Form N-F 10; 11 NYCRR 65-3.4[c][11]), it would have so provided."
This is a seismic change with a level of force far beyond the Richter Scale in the realm of no-fault medical necessity litigation and arbitrations. It also solidifies a trend by the Appellate Division to pull back the reins on some of the more "creative" Appellate Term decisions.
I expect to see a legion of defense attorneys waving these decisions around in court tomorrow...
Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 4, 2007
Cardozo Law Grad. Jumps Off Empire State Building

According to his registration profile, Moshe Kanovsky was previously an associate at the small firm of Lawrence, Krause & Associates. As demonstrated by a recent job posting, the pay at this firm was just awful:
Attorney: Krause & Associates, 67 Wall Street, New York, NY, 10005. Plaintiff personal injury firm, $35,000. Cover letter, resume and writing sample.
Add this abysmal salary to the fact that many Cardozo students are now graduating law school with over 150k worth of student loan debt at 8% interest, and you can see how someone could so easily be pushed over the edge.
As someone on the autoadmit board, so aptly put it:
"Dude, picture yourself in six figure debt and busting your ass for 2200-2400 in billables only to pull a salary of 35k -- in NYC, no less. That is bound to give anyone issues."
"Now the state bar and ABA will hold a bunch of stupid conferences and meetings and shit where NOTHING will be decided and of course NOTHING will change and the ABA will of oourse continue to accredit more and more TTT schools."
A lawyer has leaped to his death from a 69th-floor office at New York's Empire State Building, severing a leg that crashed to the sidewalk in front of horrified onlookers.
Cops raced to the 102-story landmark just before 3pm local time on Friday after several witnesses called 911 to report a body part on the ground. A police source identified the dead man as Moshe Kanovsky, 31, of Brooklyn.
"I cried and got sick to my stomach," said Theresa Colon, 46, a tourist from Virginia who was accompanied by her 11-year-old daughter and 16-year-old niece. "I pray he knew who God was."
The left leg, severed below the knee, was bare except for a gray and black sock. Police said the rest of Kanovsky's body was found intact on a 30th-floor landing.
Investigators questioned employees at Levine & Blit, a personal injury practice, and at Ashok Karmaker. Both law firms share a suite on the 69th floor where Kanovsky "did odds-and-ends work" for Karmaker.
It wasn't immediately clear what prompted Kanovsky's suicide.
"He was interviewing a client," said a man who works in the suite. "He just got up, opened the window and jumped."
A police source said that Kanovsky met with the client in one room and jumped from another.
At least 30 people have jumped from the Empire State Building since it opened in 1931. Before Kanovsky, Dovid Abramowitz, 21, was the last to die. He leaped from the 66th floor on February 2, 2006, after buying a ticket to the 86th-floor observation deck.
Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 4, 2007
"LILY" and the "EGGMAN" -- Hughes Hubbard Dungeon Masters

4/3/07 -- HH associate provides a further description of Lily:
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