Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 10, 2008

Working In Ohio

As bad as it is here in the big apple, just be thankful you aren't living in Ohio!

"Tom, A glut of attorneys, obviously. Take a gander at this desperate soul, posting on the Columbus (Oh.) Craigslist:

Four year Ohio licensed attorney will perform any and all contract work, including drafting, research, etc. for $10 per hour.

Please tell me this includes the possibility of overtime cleaning the deep fryer after work. Eeek."

Luckily, a poster on JDUnderground who refers to her/himself as "OhioDocReviewer" may have a solution:

"Call them bum wines, street wines, fortified wines, wino wines, or twist-cap wines.

Whatever you call these beverages for the economical drunkard, this page explores the top five.

So curl up on a heating duct and enjoy..."

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