Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 11, 2008

D.C. Friday Afternoon Mini-Massacre: Debevoise Axes 40 Contract Attorneys

"We were then told by the Firm's contract attorney supervisor (Greg) within the last few days that the hours for next week would be shortened to 45 hours, but that this was still a long term project. See how many changes have been made already? People started getting antsy...So here's the "guts" of the story: Today (Friday), we're on the review, and the LegaleStaffing supervisors are both there. In fact, one of them was nice enough to bring us all bagels and muffins from Corner Bakery. In fact, they told us that they were planning on this being a 9 month - 1 year project. In fact, a couple of the supervising attorneys from the firm were roaming the space and answering spot questions.

Then, at 4:15 PM this afternoon, there was some mysterious shuffling by the LegaleStaffing supervisors. And then they mysteriously called about 10 people out of the room one at a time. And that's when the rumor mill started going that they were letting some people go from the project. We all figured that those people who they took out of the room were let go... We couldn't have been more wrong. Instead, THE REST OF US WERE BEING LET GO and we were told by LegaleStaffing that the project was immediately being reduced from 50 to 10 attorneys, and that we had to sign out, effectively at 5 PM today (November 21)... Now recall, the firm had scaled this project up by 30 attorneys in the last 3 days, and now, they were effectively telling all of us to get the hell out, on a Friday Afternoon. Apparently, the case seemed to take a new direction... or something..... but even the Staffing Agency was in the dark.

People were in a state of disbelief. We all turned in our case binders and time sheets, and then exited into the cold air of a November day in Washington, D.C.

Guess people will think twice before working for D&P in the future... I don't blame LegaleStaffing... it sounded like they were kept in the dark as much as we were...

Just disgraceful behavior by D&P, letting 40 contract attorneys go with absolutely no warning on a Friday afternoon, the week before thanksgiving.

Hope this makes it to your page. Heartless bastards. I hope they all rot."

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