Check out the following article from the ABA Journal:
Speaking of the ABA, don't forget to vote for Temporary Attorney in the 2008 Blawg100 competition. Looks like we are in stiff competition against the Clerkship Notification blog. As someone on JDU so aptly noted,
"How the fuck is the 'Clerkship Notification Blog' ahead of Temporary Attorney? Who the fuck even cares about what judge some ivy league dickwad is going to be sucking off next term? It's almost insulting because it's as though a whole class of legal workers are being ignored and swept under the rug. I wouldn't be surprised if they rigged the "voting" to ensure that TemporaryAttorney doesn't win.
By voting TTT to the top, the plight of the vast majority of today's law grads will at least get some attention from the ABA. They would like to go on believing that the big issue of the day in the minds of recent law grads is who gets a judicial clerkship, but we have to show them just how bad today's legal job market really is.
FUCK THE ABA. Spread the message through as many of their own channels as possible!"
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