Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 9, 2009

The ABA Section of Legal Education & Admissions to the Bar

Don't expect clear and transparent post-graduate employment statistics anytime soon. This committee is a complete and utter scam. It is literally packed to the brink with members of the law school industry cartel. Although the Section's bylaws mandate that only 50% of the council's seats be occupied by law school deans, faculty, and administrators, it is quite clear that the other half of the board is populated by lapdogs who are clearly not disinterested. A Harvard 2nd year as the representative voice for the entire national law student body?

Dean of New England School of Law: Vice Chair;
Dean of Univ of Montana School of Law: Member;
Deans of Hastings, Miami, American, Washington Schools of Law: All Members;
Harvard second-year law student: Student Member;

The committtee on its website brags that "in order to acheive its goals of improving the quality of legal education, character and fitness assessments, and bar admission standards, the Section works closely with the Association of American Law Schools, and the Access Group..... among others." In the past year and a half, the Section has granted provisional approval to the Elon, Charlotte, and Drexel Schools of Law, and has granted full approval to the Florida A&M and Western State University Schools of Law. They have also granted acquiescence for the scam school Ave Maria to get up and move across the country, and have also removed Golden Gate and Whittier Schools of Law from probation. The committee is also mulling the idea of allowing certain of these scam school to do away with the LSAT, and has put out a proclamation declaring that swine flu is a bad thing. No word from them yet on the fraudulent and disingenuous marketing materials put out by many of these law schools, reports which have recently surfaced in a large number of recent mainstream media articles.

Although it was announced last month that there was a vacancy on the committee, and while it would be nice to have the perspective of a working class lawyer on that board, good luck achieving that in reality. For one thing, in order to be eligible to serve, you are mandated to pay dues to the ABA criminal syndicate. Actually reaching the board is another thing entirely. The rules say that, "the president of the board will activate the process in the Section Bylaws to fill a vacant seat." The "Section Bylaws" are a complex, byzantine set of regulations that probably haven't been revised or read since the 19th century. In reality, the seat will in all likelihood go to someone who the chair picks out of his preferred rolodex. Even if a member could be chosen who could adequately represent the interests of the overwhelming majority of working class lawyers out there, he/she would be so out of place that it wouldn't even be funny. It would be like a drunk transgender stripper showing up to a Southern Baptist Convention.

I am sure that the other ABA committee that put out that ridiculous "let's ship all the legal work to India" opinion is the same way.

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