"I would just like to let you and your readers know that Hudson is trying to staff a long term project at Hughes Hubbard and Reed again. I don't know if this is for the Vioxx cases that didn't settle or a new case of the same magnitude. I also don't know if they will be reopening the offsite plantation. The Eggman was canned a while back, but Lily is still around."
For those newbies fresh out of law school who haven't had the privilege of running across Lily, you are in for a real treat:
"For those who don't know, 'Lily' is not her actual name. Her real name rhymes with Lily and I will use this psuedonym to protect the guilty.
Anyone at HH knows who she is. She is a grotesque 300 lbs, and her physical deformities are utterly beyond description. Her best friend is a bag of cheetos, and her fat, mangled fingers are often coated with their orange powder. She drives her slaves (this is the slang for 'managing' temps or 'contract attorneys') offsite in a basement in New Jersey. I believe there may be windows, but I have not been there myself to verify this fact.
Lily does maintain a presence in the New York office, rather unfortunately, and we see her rear her ugly head from time to time. Probably just taking orders from some non-equity partner in charge of the firm's various doc review projects. The sole purpose of this woman's existence is to squeeze every last drop of efficiency out of each slave, and to make their miserable lives as horrible as possible, all for $35hour."
Welcome to 2009! Same Lily, much lower rate!
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