"This is your new home, Rapunzel. I will come every day and visit. It is better if you were away from the city and this is the place I have chosen. Years passed and the child grew -- if they could have seen her. But, locked in her tower deep in the woods, no one saw her."
Tower is a true sweatshop especially if you work out of their premises, right next to Trinity cementery---inadequate bathrooms, crammed review rooms, unfriendly or contemptuous staffers with the exception of one--who is very professional. One has to input the time sheet at a common computer so someone can see your information, the internet area is right in the waiting room/reception.
I heard that if you sit next to recruiter's office they do not want to hear chatter.
Ask people to give a fall report of agencies with a countdown--today we start with Tower!
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