Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 10, 2010

17 Hour Workdays

From the Clutch Group. Smart solutions. No borders.

"We are looking to staff an HOUR INTENSIVE document review project starting IMMEDIATELY! Interviews will start today!

Must be able to interview with our client in Midtown today. Further, the hours will be intensive! We are looking at a 17 hour per day schedule, from 7:00am to 12:00am (midnight) for ten days straight. This may change, but if you are interested in this project YOU MUST confirm that you can work these hours. Interviews will be held today, and the client may even need you to begin work immediately after. Thus, you must be able to begin work immediately and the 7am-12am schedule will probably begin Saturday (you will need to work straight through the weekend into next week)."

Make it through the project without going into cardiac arrest or being carried off into the insane asylum, and you might very well be the grand prize winner who is able to ward off the foreclosure/eviction Grim Reaper for another month or two. Don't forget, the Republicans will not authorize unemployment extensions starting November 30th. Happy Holidays, in advance!

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