Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 2, 2011

3 Reasons You Won't Hire Me for Your New York DWI

There are as many reasons for hiring a lawyer as there are for not hiring one. Not everyone is for everyone. I know I am not everyone's cup of tea. I used to say, I'm a peach but not everyone likes peaches. They say "you can't be all things to all people" or "if everyone likes you that's a problem"... lets be real I love to practice DWI defense but if the relationships I have with my clients are horrible then my practice (and life) is gonna suck.

I want relationships with people who want me to be their lawyer. In turn I want to give my personal time and attention to these clients. Take a look at my video where I go through the 3 main reasons someone doesn't want me as their DWI lawyer:

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