Within Tioga County there are only 9 Towns and 6 Villages and these are over a wide land mass. I cover many DWIs, marijuana/drug, and traffic violations within these Courts. If a car gets stopped for speeding it usually leads to other things being found, like pot and pills. BTW when the police make a lawful stop of a car, say for a traffic violation or equipment problem (ie. broken light) in NYS, they can then lawfully search that car, and it's contents. Which is another very good reason (I could give you a long list of reasons) not to smoke pot in your car.
Each town and village has their own Court and Justice (Judge). Candor Town Court and Candor Village Court are both located just South of Ithaca on Route 96B. 96B is also called Owego Road because it leads to Owego, NY. Owego has a great Strawberry Festival that my family and I go to in the summer although I remember one summer when they needed to import strawberries. Kinda took away the charm for me (abit), anyway the streets and homes are historic in downtown Owego.
Don't be confused, in Candor both the Town and the Village Courts conduct business in the SAME Courthouse. Sometimes the Judges sit across from one another on the bench, and hear different cases.
Town Justice: Judge Gary Dence 607- 659-3175 ext 2
Village Justice: Judge Les Swartz 607- 659-5913
Candor Town Clerk: Ms. Connie Dence Kulze, 607- 659-3175 ext. 1
The Courts lie about half way between Tioga County Courtouse (Owego, NY) and Tompkins County Courthouse (Ithaca, NY). Yeah I judge distances based on Courthouses, it kinda goes with the territory. Anyway, a great landmark on 96B is the Grace Bible Church. It has a Candor Town Hall sign right next to it, and the new Town Hall/Court is located just back off the road to the East.
101 Owego Road
Candor, NY 13743
phone for Court 607-659-3175
email for court: candorclerk@cnymail.com
Grace Bible Church on 96B
Candor Town Hall (both Village and Town Courts), sits back off 96B
I see a great many speeding infractions/violations on 96B because the speeds go very quickly between 55, then 45, then 40, and then 30MPH in the villages. The signs change so often you really have to pay attention and remain focused. People just don't like to slow down, and I am constantly passed on this stretch of road by both the young, and the impatient. It is hard to maintain these slower speeds at times, and the landscape is "bucolic" which for many comes to mean "boring" farm land.
One of the nicer little Courthouses in Upstate NY.
Great Map locator link for Candor Courts from Unified Court System:
Larry Newman, Criminal Defense Attorney
Larry Newman
Law Offices of Lawrence Newman
504 N. Aurora Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
fax: 866-381-3122
ph: 607- 229-5184
My NY DWI Blog: http://ithacadwi.blogspot.com/
Defeating the breath test video:
Videos on DWI Defense, and other New York Criminal Defense: http://www.youtube.com/user/newmanlawrence?feature=mhsn
Articles on NY DWI Defense: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Lawrence_Newman
More articles on NY DWI Defense: http://www.articlesbase.com/authors/dwi-defense-lawyer-larry-newman/256323
Referrals to New York State attorneys. The Lawyer Referral and Information Service is a public service of the New York State Bar Association that provides ...
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