Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 6, 2011

Ithaca DWI Lawyer Larry Newman attends The National Criminal Defense College in Macon, GA

It is an honor and privilege that I was accepted this year to attend the National Criminal Defense College's two week summer trial intensive. They limit the session to 96 lawyers and it is all hands on trial work. Last week I was sent four case files with police reports, grand jury testimony, blood evidence, lab results, autopsies, etc. We are working on a murder case, a rape case, a bank robbery, and a . . . (I didn't read everything yet).

Anyway, I am excited to learn, to practice, they video us every day! and then critique us later... scary.

I hope to return to Ithaca, NY a better person and lawyer, I truly believe they are one and the same. One cannot separate professional life from private life. If I am to be the best advocate for my clients then I must improve continually from day to day and year to year.


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