Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 9, 2011

Just Because Parker Warnings Were Given Doesn't Mean Trial Can Proceed In Absentia

In reversing a conviction after a trial held in absentia, the Fourth Department, in People v Houghtaling (4th Dept 9/30/11), explained

that County Court erred in conducting the trial in his absence. Even assuming, arguendo, that the court advised defendant of the scheduled trial date and warned him that the trial would proceed in his absence if he failed to appear (see generally People v Parker, 57 NY2d 136, 141), we conclude that the court failed to inquire into defendant’s absence and to recite “on the record the facts and reasons it relied upon in determining that defendant’s absence was deliberate” (People v Brooks, 75 NY2d 898, 899, mot to amend remittitur granted 76 NY2d 746; see People v Dugan, 210 AD2d 971, 972, lv denied 85 NY2d 972).

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