Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 5, 2013

Smart Man "Dies Like An Idiot"

A Holocaust survivor who created a $40 million fortune in real estate died without a will last year.  Because a world wide search for relatives has turned up none, New York state will receive his fortune.   

Several points:

1. If you are 97 years old Holocaust survivor and have no living relatives, think about creating a charitable trust to benefit your favorite Jewish charity.

2.  If "next of kin" relatives can't be found, the entire estate will escheat to the state. A shame in this case as this man worked so hard all his life and left no one smiling after his death.  

3.A 97 year old man who is in failing health should have really thought long before he turned 97 about estate planning.  Why didn't he listen to his attorney? 

4.  His fellow Holocaust survivor said  “He was a very smart man but he died like an idiot”.   Very sad indeed as this is what he will be remembered by.

The New York Times

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