Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 6, 2013

The State of New York Places a GPS Device On An Employee's Car

Matter of Cunningham v New York State Dept. of Labor
2013 NY Slip Op 04838
Decided on June 27, 2013
Court of Appeals
Smith, J.
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.
This opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication in the Official Reports.

Decided on June 27, 2013
No. 123 

[*1]In the Matter of Michael A. Cunningham, Appellant, 


New York State Department of Labor, Respondent.

Corey L. Stoughton, for appellant. 
Kate H. Nepveu, for respondent. 
New York State United Teachers, amicus curiae. 

The State of New York, suspecting that one of its employees was submitting false time reports, attached a global positioning system (GPS) device to the employee's car. Under People v Weaver (12 NY3d 433 [2009]) and United States v Jones (132 S Ct 945 [2012]), the State's action was a search within the meaning of the State and Federal Constitutions. We hold [*2]that the search did not require a warrant, but that on the facts of this case it was unreasonable.
Petitioner became a State employee in 1980, and in 1989 was appointed as Director of Staff and Organizational Development of the State Department of Labor. In 2008, the Department began an investigation relating to petitioner's alleged unauthorized absences from duty and the falsification of records to conceal those absences. That investigation led to a disciplinary proceeding that resulted in a two-month suspension; it also led to a second investigation, because, after petitioner eluded an investigator who was following his car, the Department referred petitioner's conduct to the Office of the State Inspector General. The Inspector General's investigation resulted in a second disciplinary proceeding, the one now before us.
As far as the record shows, the first step in the Inspector General's investigation was to attach a GPS device to petitioner's car, without petitioner's knowledge, while the car was parked in a lot near the Department of Labor offices. This device and two later replacements recorded all of the car's movements for a month, including evenings, weekends and several days when petitioner was on vacation in Massachusetts. Later, the Inspector General pursued other avenues of investigation: surveillance of an apartment building petitioner was suspected of visiting during working hours, subpoenas for E-ZPass records and interviews of petitioner and his secretary.
After receiving the Inspector General's report, the Department brought new charges against petitioner, of which 11 were sustained by a Hearing Officer. Four of those 11 charges were dependent on evidence obtained from the GPS device. As to three charges, the GPS information showed that petitioner's times of arrival at and departure from his office were inconsistent with the number of hours he claimed, on time records he submitted, to have worked. A fourth charge was based on petitioner's approval of time records showing his secretary was working during hours when the GPS information showed that he was visiting her home. Four other charges were supported by GPS evidence and other evidence as well; they related to the time when petitioner claimed that he and his secretary returned home from a business trip to Syracuse. Both GPS information and E-ZPass records showed they had returned in the middle of the workday, not at the end of it as documents submitted or approved by petitioner had said. The GPS information was irrelevant to the remaining three sustained charges.
The Commissioner of Labor affirmed the Hearing Officer's determination, and terminated petitioner's employment. Petitioner brought this article 78 proceeding to challenge that ruling. On transfer from Supreme Court, the Appellate Division, with two Justices dissenting, confirmed the Commissioner's determination and dismissed the petition (Matter of Cunningham v New York State Dept. of Labor, 89 AD3d 1347 [3d Dept 2011]). Petitioner appeals as of right, pursuant to CPLR 5601 (a) and 5601 (b) (1), and we now reverse the [*3]Appellate Division's judgment.
We decided in Weaver, and the Supreme Court decided in Jones, that the attachment by law enforcement officers of a GPS device to the automobile of a criminal suspect, and the use of that device to track the suspect's movements, was a search subject to constitutional limitations. Weaver and Jones establish that what happened in this case was a search also, within the meaning of Article I, § 12 of the New York Constitution and the Fourth Amendment; the State does not contend otherwise. But neither Weaver nor Jones presented the question of when, if ever, a GPS search is permissible in the absence of a search warrant (see Weaver, 12 NY3d at 444-445 [the search "comes within no exception to the warrant requirement, and the People do not contend otherwise"];Jones, 132 S Ct at 954 [holding the argument that the search without a warrant was "reasonable — and thus lawful" to be forfeited]). Here, the State argues, and we agree, that this search is within the "workplace" exception to the warrant requirement recognized in O'Connor v Ortega (480 US 709 [1987]) and Matter of Caruso v Ward (72 NY2d 432 [1988]).
O'Connor involved the warrantless search by a public employer of the office of an employee suspected of misconduct. The Supreme Court upheld the search. The plurality opinion explained:
"In our view, requiring an employer to obtain a warrant whenever the employer wished to enter an employee's office, desk, or file cabinets for a work-related purpose would seriously disrupt the routine conduct of business and would be unduly burdensome. Imposing unwieldy warrant procedures in such cases upon supervisors, who would otherwise have no reason to be familiar with such procedures, is simply unreasonable"
(480 US at 722; see also id. at 732 [Scalia, J., concurring] [warrantless searches "to investigate violations of workplace rules" do not violate the Fourth Amendment]). In Caruso, we made clear that we would follow O'Connor in deciding the constitutionality of searches conducted by public employers, whether for "noninvestigatory, work-related purposes" or for "investigations of work-related misconduct," under the New York as well as the Federal Constitution (72 NY2d at 437; internal quotation marks omitted). Caruso applied O'Connor to uphold random urinalysis testing of certain police officers. See also Matter of Seelig v Koehler (76 NY2d 87 [1990] [upholding urinalysis testing of uniformed correction officers]; Matter of Delaraba v Nassau County Police Dept.(83 NY2d 367 [1994] [upholding urinalysis testing of police officers]).
Petitioner here does not challenge the existence of a workplace exception to the warrant requirement, but argues that it is inapplicable because the object of the search in this case was petitioner's personal car. Petitioner asks us to confine the exception to "the workplace itself, [*4]or . . . workplace-issued property that can be seen as an extension of the workplace" (Brief of Petitioner-Appellant at 13). We reject the suggestion, at least insofar as it would require a public employer to get a warrant for a search designed to find out the location of the automobile an employee is using when that employee is, or claims to be, working for the employer.
The O'Connor plurality observed that such items as a personal photograph on an employee's desk, or a personal letter posted on an employee bulletin board, are part of the workplace (480 US at 716). The location of a personal car used by the employee during working hours does not seem to us more private. Petitioner was required to report his arrival and departure times to his employer; this surely diminished any expectation he might have had that the location of his car during the hours he claimed to be at work was no one's concern but his. We are unpersuaded by the suggestion in the concurring opinion that, on our reasoning, a GPS device could, without a warrant, be attached to an employee's shoe or purse (concurring op at 7). People have a greater expectation of privacy in the location of their bodies, and the clothing and accessories that accompany their bodies, than in the location of their cars.
The reasons that led the O'Connor Court to dispense with the warrant requirement — the serious disruption that such a requirement would entail, and the burden it would impose on supervisors who "are hardly in the business of investigating the violation of criminal laws" (480 US at 722 [plurality op]; see also id. at 732 [Scalia, J., concurring]) — apply no less to an investigation of the kind at issue here then to the investigations in O'Connor and in City of Ontario v Quon (130 S Ct 2619 [2010]), which involved a scrutiny of text messages on an employer-issued pager. We thus conclude that when an employee chooses to use his car during the business day, GPS tracking of the car may be considered a workplace search.
The Inspector General did not violate the State or Federal Constitution by failing to seek a warrant before attaching a GPS device to petitioner's car.
While the search did not require a warrant, it did not comply with either the State or Federal Constitution unless it was a reasonable search. We conclude that the State has failed to demonstrate that this search was reasonable.
The O'Connor plurality, quoting from Terry v Ohio (392 US 1, 20 [1968] and New Jersey v T. L. O. (469 US 325, 341-342 [1985]), summarized the approach of courts to the question of reasonableness in this way:
"Determining the reasonableness of any search involves a twofold inquiry: first, one must consider whether the action was justified at its inception; second, one must determine whether the search as actually conducted was reasonably related in scope to the circumstances which justified the interference in the first place . . . . The search will be permissible in its scope when the measures [*5]adopted are reasonably related to the objectives of the search and not excessively intrusive in light of the nature of the misconduct"
(480 US at 726; citations, internal quotation marks, ellipsis and bracketing omitted).
Under O'Connor, a workplace search based on a reasonable suspicion of employee misconduct is "justified at its inception" (480 US at 726 [plurality opinion]; id. at 732 [Scalia, J., concurring]). The search in this case clearly meets that test. Petitioner's employer had ample grounds to suspect him of submitting false time records.
We cannot find, however, that this search was reasonable in its scope. It was, in the words of the T.L.O. Court quoted in O'Connor, "excessively intrusive." It examined much activity with which the State had no legitimate concern — i.e., it tracked petitioner on all evenings, on all weekends and on vacation. Perhaps it would be impossible, or unreasonably difficult, so to limit a GPS search of an employee's car as to eliminate all surveillance of private activity — especially when the employee chooses to go home in the middle of the day, and to conceal this from his employer. But surely it would have been possible to stop short of seven-day, twenty-four hour surveillance for a full month. The State managed to remove a GPS device from petitioner's car three times when it suited the State's convenience to do so — twice to replace it with a new device, and a third time after the surveillance ended. Why could it not also have removed the device when, for example, petitioner was about to start his annual vacation?
It is true that none of the evidence used against petitioner in this case resulted from surveillance outside of business hours. Ordinarily, when a search has exceeded its permissible scope, the suppression of items found during the permissible portion of the search is not required (see United States v Martell, 654 F2d 1356, 1361 [9th Cir 1981] [excessive length of detention did not taint search where nothing new was learned "during the unlawful portion" of the detention]; United States v Clark, 891 F2d 501, 505 [4th Cir 1989] [same]). But we hold that rule to be inapplicable to GPS searches like the present one, in light of the extraordinary capacity of a GPS device to permit "[c]onstant, relentless tracking of anything" (Weaver, 12 NY3d at 441). Where an employer conducts a GPS search without making a reasonable effort to avoid tracking an employee outside of business hours, the search as a whole must be considered unreasonable. That conclusion concededly requires suppression of the GPS evidence here; the State has disclaimed any reliance on the balancing test that we use when deciding whether to invoke the suppression remedy in administrative proceedings (see Matter of Boyd v Constantine, 81 NY2d 189 [1993]).
The consequence of suppression in this case is not to preclude the State from disciplining petitioner. As the majority and the dissenting Justices in the Appellate Division agreed, only four of the 11 counts on which petitioner was found guilty depended on GPS evidence, and only those four charges need be dismissed. As to the others, the GPS evidence was [*6]either substantially duplicated by E-ZPass records or was wholly irrelevant. Whether the seven surviving charges warrant the same or a lesser penalty is a matter to be decided, in the first instance, by the Commissioner of Labor on remand.
Accordingly, the judgment of the Appellate Division should be reversed, with costs, charges one, two, three and six against petitioner dismissed, and matter remitted to the Appellate Division with directions to remand to the Commissioner of Labor for redetermination of the penalty. 
ABDUS-SALAAM, J. (concurring):
The majority's application of the workplace exception to the warrant requirement may be a well-intentioned effort to smooth the way for government employers to investigate time theft and other workplace misconduct. However, the majority's decision has expanded this exception well beyond its intended scope, and has run afoul of the protections afforded by New York Constitution article I, § 12 and the Fourth Amendment by infringing on a government employee's "reasonable expectation of privacy" (Katz v United States, 389 US 347, 360 [1967] [Harlan, J. concurring]).
I would hold that the State cannot, without a warrant, place a GPS on a personal, private car to investigate workplace misconduct. Accordingly, the warrantless search in this case was unconstitutional under both the Federal and State Constitutions, and the evidence obtained by the warrantless search must be excluded from the disciplinary hearing.
We held in People v Weaver (12 NY3d 433 [2009]), and the Supreme Court held in United States v Jones (132 S Ct 945 [2012]), that the use of a GPS device by government law enforcers to track the movements of a vehicle is a search subject to constitutional protections. In Weaver,we explained that GPS tracking is more intrusive than simply following a car, and that GPS surveillance is not analogous to visual surveillance for the purposes of constitutional analysis (see Weaver, 12 NY3d at 441).
"GPS is not a mere enhancement of human sensory capacity, it facilitates a new technological perception of the world in which the situation of any object may be followed and exhaustively recorded over, in most cases, a practically unlimited period. The potential for a similar capture of information or 'seeing' by law enforcement would require, at a minimum, millions of additional police officers and cameras on every street lamp" (id. at 441).
It took "little imagination" for us to conjure the types of "indisputably private" information that would be "disclosed in the data" from a GPS device planted on a person's vehicle:
"[T]rips to the psychiatrist, the plastic surgeon, the abortion clinic, the AIDS treatment center, the strip club, the criminal defense [*7]attorney, the by-the-hour motel, the union meeting, the mosque, synagogue or church, the gay bar and on and on. What the technology yields and records with breathtaking quality and quantity is a highly detailed profile, not simply of where we go, but by easy inference, of our associations — political, religious, amicable and amorous, to name only a few — and of the pattern of our professional and avocational pursuits" (id. at 441-442; see Jones, 132 S Ct at 955 [citing Weaver for the proposition that "GPS monitoring generates a precise, comprehensive record of a person's public movements that reflects a wealth of detail about [his or] her familial, political, professional, religious, and sexual associations"]).
Recognizing that, "[w]ithout judicial oversight, the use of [GPS] devicespresents a significant and, to our minds, unacceptable risk of abuse" (Weaver, 12 NY3d at 447), we held that"[u]nder our State Constitution . . . the installation and use of a GPS device to monitor an individual's whereabouts requires a warrant supported by probable cause" (id.).
The privacy and constitutional concerns recognized in Weaver and Jones apply equally in this case. GPS is a "sophisticated and powerful technology that is easily and cheaply deployed and has virtually unlimited and remarkably precise tracking capability" (Weaver, 12 NY3d at 441). Surely, a government employer's interest in determining whether its employees are falsifying time records is just as important as the State's interest in protecting the public from dangerous criminals. Yet, the majority, ignoring our concerns in Weaver, would permit government employers who suspect employees of misconduct to use GPS devices, without first obtaining a warrant, to track and monitor those employees' precise whereabouts during business hours. As we noted in Weaver, it is not difficult to imagine the inherently personal and private information such surveillance will yield, even if limited to working hours. While government employers need to know whether their employees actually worked during the hours for which they were paid, public employees are entitled to at least some expectation of privacy concerning their movements throughout the workday. A search as intrusive as GPS surveillance, which, as this case demonstrates, is highly susceptible to abuse without judicial oversight, requires a warrant.
Investigating workplace misconduct is indisputably an important responsibility of a government employer. As the Supreme Court stated in O'Connor v Ortega (480 US 709 [1987]):
"Public employers have an interest in ensuring that their agencies operate in an effective and efficient [*8]manner, and the work of these agencies inevitably suffers from the inefficiency, incompetence, mismanagement, or other work-related misfeasance of its employees" (480 US at 724).
O'Connor involved the warrantless search of a government employee's office and seizure of personal items from his desk and file cabinet (see id. at 713). The Supreme Court applied "the standard of reasonableness under all the circumstances" (id. at 725-726) rather than a probable cause standard, and upheld the search. Importantly, in analyzing the Fourth Amendment restraints upon a workplacesearch, the Court stated that it was "essential first to delineate the boundaries of the workplace context" (id. at 715 [emphasis added]).
"The workplace includes those areas and items that are related to work and are generally within the employer's control. At a hospital, for example, the hallways, cafeteria, offices, desks and file cabinets, among other areas, are all part of the workplace. These areas remain part of the workplace context even if the employee has placed personal items in them, such as a photograph placed in a desk or a letter posted on an employee bulletin board" (id. at 715-716).
Othercourts interpreting O'Connor have limited application of the workplace exception to the workplace itself. The Ninth Circuit held that the "workplace warrant exception" did not apply where, although the search arose in the context of a workplace investigation, it was carried out in the home (Delia v City of Rialto, 621 F3d 1069, 1076 n 4 [9th Cir 2010], revd on other grounds Filarsky v Delia, 132 S Ct 1657 [2012]). In a case involving the United States Postal Service's attempt to gain access to its employee's medical records in connection with an investigation into potential criminal misconduct and liability for health benefits and workers' compensation, the District Court of the Southern District of New York rejected the Postal Service's argument that, based on O'Connor, a reasonableness standard applied and a search warrant was not required. The court held:
"O'Connor applied solely to searches of the workplace. The Supreme Court defined the workplace as 'those areas and items that are related to work and are generally within the employer's control.' Although the term 'work-related' was used by the O'Connor Court, neither O'Connor nor the cases considered by the Court in reaching its [*9]holding involved any area physically outside of the workplace" (Natl. Assn. of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO v US Postal Service, 604 F Supp 2d 665, 675-676 [SD NY 2009] [emphasis added]).
The majority's decision extends "the boundaries of the workplace" (O'Connor, 480 US at 715) far beyond the parameters delineated by the O'Connor Court. This case involves the search of an employee's personal car, not his office, desk, file cabinets (see id. at 715-716), or any other area physically inside the workplace. I reject the notion that government employeeswho use their cars for travel to and from work and work-related obligations place those cars within the ambit of their"employer[s'] control" such that they could be subjected to a warrantless search (id. at 715). A personal car is also not akin to a letter posted on a bulletin board, a photograph displayed on a desk, or other personal items an employee may bring within the "areas" traditionally understood as "part of the workplace context" (id. at 716).
The potential dangers of the majority's decision are evident when one considers a government employee, suspected of falsifying time records, who does not drive a car during the workday, but instead leaves the office on foot or takes public transit. There is now little to prevent a government employer from placing a GPS device on that person's bag, briefcase, shoe, cell phone, watch, or purse — anything that is used during the workday (like petitioner's car) — to determine whether, based on the tracking data transmitted by that device, the employee is located where he or she purports to be. The majority's statement that people have a greater expectation of privacy in the location of their bodies than in the location of their cars (see majority op at 6-7), avoids addressing the point that petitioner's employer was using electronic surveillance to track petitioner's location; tracking his personal car was only a means to that end. The location of petitioner's car was relevant only insofar as it indicated petitioner's whereabouts. It all comes down to electronically tracking the movements of the employee, which could be accomplished by tracking the employee's personal car (as in this case) or any other personal property that the employee "chooses to use . . . during the business day" (majority op at 7).
I also disagree withthe majority's suggestion that the concerns that "led the O'Connor Court to dispense with the warrant requirement" are present here (see majority op at 7). There would be no serious disruption to the "routine conduct of business" by requiring a government employer to obtain a warrant to search an employee's personal car (O'Connor, 480 US at 722). And mandating that government employers navigate "unwieldy warrant procedures" hardly seems "unreasonable" (id.) given the bevy of personal information they will likely uncover from a GPS search tracking an employee's personal car. Ultimately,the alleged burden imposed upon government employers by requiring a warrant for the search of a personal car should have little bearing on the question of whether they are constitutionally required to obtain one before [*10]conducting the search.
Critical here is that the warrantless search was of petitioner's personal car, and not employer-issued property (see City of Ontario v Quon, 130 S Ct 2619, 2624 [2010] [applying the O'Connorworkplace exception to the warrantless search of text messages sent and received on a pager "the employer owned and issued to an employee"]; Leventhal v Knapek, 266 F3d 64, 75-76 [2d Cir 2001] [applying workplace exception to search of office computer]; Matter of Moore v Constantine, 191 AD2d 769, 771 [3d Dept 1993] [upholding warrantless search of a police locker]). Ownership allows the government employer some level of control over its property, and may diminish the expectation of privacy employees enjoy in that property (see Quon, 130 S Ct at 2629). Indeed, this may have been a different case if the vehicle searched was owned by and had been issued to petitioner by the State (see Demaine v Samuels, 29 Fed Appdx 671, 675 [2d Cir 2002] [workplace exception applied to search of employer-issued car]). But that is not what occurred here: instead, the State searched petitioner's personal car that he and his family used on a daily basis. No New York court has ever permitted government employers to search employees' personal cars without a warrant, and the majority creates a dangerous precedent by allowing them to do so now.
The ramifications of the majority's decision will extend far beyond this case. All government employees, at all levels, in all three branches of government, may now be subject to electronic surveillance based upon a mere "reasonableness" standard, without any judicial oversight at the inception of the search. Given the majority's imprimatur of warrantless GPS tracking, less intrusive methods for investigating government employees will almost certainly be replaced with electronic surveillance. The potential for abuse that we recognized in Weaver is now closer to becoming a reality. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Judgment reversed, with costs, and matter remitted to the Appellate Division, Third Department, with directions to remand to the Commissioner of Labor for further proceedings in accordance with the opinion herein. Opinion by Judge Smith. Judges Graffeo, Read and Pigott concur. Judge Abdus-Salaam concurs in result in an opinion in which Chief Judge Lippman and Judge Rivera concur. 
Decided June 27, 2013

Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 6, 2013

OFAC Ok's Export of Cultural Heritage Protection Services by NGO's

The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) this week published a notice reauthorizing nongovernmental assistance for cultural heritage protection in Syria.

General License No. 11A, issued under the Syria sanctions program, permits activities that support the preservation and protection of cultural heritage sites in that country "including, but not limited to, museums, historic buildings, and archaeological sites."

Nongovernmental organizations are permitted under the license to export services to Syria otherwise barred by Executive Order 13582, signed by President Barack Obama in 2011.

Photo credit: timot.

This post is researched, written, and published on the blog Cultural Heritage Lawyer Rick St. Hilaire at Text copyrighted 2010-2013 by Ricardo A. St. Hilaire, Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLLC. Any unauthorized reproduction or retransmission of this post is prohibited. CONTACT INFORMATION:

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 6, 2013

5 Thing You Should Know About Asset Protection Trusts

1. Inventory everything. Make a complete list of your assets and debts. It's a good idea to do this on a regular basis (say, every six months or so). Remember to think broadly. For example, do you own a vacation home or have retirement assets? Do you hold stock in another company? These can have lots of value and may wind up being taken away in litigation.
2. Research exemptions and protective entities.A few of your assets may be exempt from creditor actions because of federal or state laws. These typically include your personal residence, your pension or retirement fund, and your life insurance policy. As for all other assets, consider setting up so-called protective entities, such as domestic trusts and offshore trusts. "You can layer the protection by using multiple entities. You can go even further and equity-strip the assets. This means taking loans against the assets or refinancing them. This makes the asset less attractive to creditors," says Presser.
3. Avoid personal guarantees. A personal guarantee is when you pledge to be personally responsible for a debt. The result is that you essentially lose the protection of your company's corporation status. True, a bank will likely require a personal guarantee (this is the case of loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration). If so, try to minimize the impact. One approach is to put a time limit on it (say, for one year) or to specify a particular asset as collateral. Some suppliers will try to get a personal guarantee. Don't do it. Find another supplier.
4. Be wary of the contracts you sign. While your company's corporate structure may provide some protection, it may not be enough if there's a tort action or claim for fraud. In such cases, you may have personal liability. This is why it's important to provide liability protection in your contracts. This includes capping damages and even disallowing certain types of damages. Also, make sure you sign contracts on behalf of your company—not in your name, to avoid the chance the contract could later be considered a personal guarantee.
5. Buy insurance. While asset protection can be extremely helpful in avoiding personal liability, a creditor may still be determined to go after your assets. That's why it is important to have insurance protection. Liability insurance covers damages for personal injuries and property damages that other people cause (such as your employees). Property insurance covers your company's assets. You may even consider an umbrella policy to cover exposure that goes beyond property insurance. As should be no surprise, carriers try to avoid paying claims. To get the best coverage, it's a good idea to have an attorney look at the policy.
Which leads me to repeat: For any kind of asset protection, it's smart to get the advice of a qualified attorney or tax expert. You'll likely be dealing with complicated questions.
And the costs? Putting together a basic asset protection plan generally ranges from $2,000 to $10,000, at least for small businesses with revenues below $1 million and an owner with a net worth of less than $500,000. And the earlier you start, the better. The costs will be much lower, and the overall protection should be greater.
As you know, running a business is quite risky regardless of the economic environment. Even top companies fail. Spend the time now to look at your potential liability exposures and see how asset protection will help lower your risks. Source:

New! Funny Legal Blog!

Be sure to read our "Law And Humor" filled with entertainment from the legal world!

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 6, 2013

Justice Department Files Brief in SLAM Mummy Mask Appeal, Claiming "Clear Abuse of Discretion"

One year after the U.S. Attorney filed a notice of appeal in the St. Louis Art Museum (SLAM) mummy mask case, the Justice Department yesterday submitted an appellate brief critical of the the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Missouri. The government faults the lower court for refusing to allow prosecutors to file an amended forfeiture complaint after the court ruled that the original complaint was legally insufficient.

"The court’s orders constitute a clear abuse of discretion," the government's brief contends. "The district court cited no basis for departing from the principle that a party should be given at least one opportunity to amend a complaint whose allegations have been found deficient."

Litigation to reclaim the Ka Nefer Nefer mummy mask began in February 2011 when SLAM sued the U.S. government in order to assert ownership over the artifact. The government responded immediately by filing an in rem action against the mask to forfeit it, later arguing in July 2011 that the mask constituted illegal contraband that could not be possessed. But Judge Henry Autrey brought the government’s case to a seeming end in April 2012 when he concluded that the government's forfeiture complaint failed to specifically articulate how the mask was stolen and smuggled, or how it was brought into the U.S. contrary to law.

The U.S. Attorney's Office filed a motion to reconsider the judge's order, arguing that its forfeiture complaint did not need to be more specific. But in May 2012, the government revealed a wealth of new information, which it said it would enter in a new amended complaint.  Judge Autrey denied the motion. 

Federal prosecutors then proposed an amended complaint in June 2012. The government's lawyers more forcefully alleged that the parties either knew the mummy mask was stolen, unlawfully exported, or illegally imported, or that they were willfully blind to the fact that the mask's "purported provenance was fictional." Just weeks later the court repeated that the case was dismissed, and federal lawyers filed their notice of appeal.

The case remained on hold from June 2012 through April 2013 as all sides reportedly engaged in talks to settle the matter out of court.  Those negotiations failed, and yesterday's court filing renews the litigation.

The U.S. government's attorneys argue, "A dismissal for want of adequate allegations is generally without prejudice, and a party is customarily permitted to amend its complaint at least once to cure deficiencies." "The court denied the motion to file the amended complaint out of hand without addressing any of its new allegations" raised by the proposed amended complaint.

Federal lawyers add,
Even following dismissal, leave to amend should be freely given, and “an outright refusal to grant the leave without any justifying reason appearing for the denial is not an exercise of discretion; it is merely abuse of that discretion and inconsistent with the spirit of the Federal Rules.” Foman v. Davis, 371 U.S. 178, 182 (1962). The First Amended Complaint specifically addressed the deficiencies cited by the district court in the original complaint, and the court abused its discretion in summarily rejecting the filing without considering its allegations.
The attorneys complain that the "district court denied the United States’ repeated requests for leave to file an amended complaint, without evaluating the legal sufficiency of the substantial new allegations in the proffered amended complaint that sought to cure the deficiencies the district court identified in the initial complaint."

The government's lawyers cite Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(a)(2)'s recommendation that "[t]he court should freely give leave [to amend a pleading] when justice so requires." They want the district court to assess their allegations that an archaeologist excavated the mask in 1952 in Saqqara, Egypt; it remained under the custody, control, and ownership of Egypt; the mask was discovered missing in 1973; and there was no authorization that it could be sold or transferred, so SLAM could not have acquired valid title to the Ka Nefer Nefer mask when it purchased it in 1998 from Phoenix Ancient Art, S.A.

SLAM is expected to file a reply brief in the near future.

Photo credit: creationc

This post is researched, written, and published on the blog Cultural Heritage Lawyer Rick St. Hilaire at Text copyrighted 2010-2013 by Ricardo A. St. Hilaire, Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLLC. Any unauthorized reproduction or retransmission of this post is prohibited. CONTACT INFORMATION:

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 6, 2013

Choose the Right Lawyer for Special Needs Planning

As many consumers have found, the search for professionals knowledgeable in the area of special-needs estate planning, and the protection of assets and benefits, can be very frustrating. Although many estate planning lawyers will assure clients of their ability to perform this specialized work, parents should be extraordinarily cautious in deciding which lawyer to retain.
There are a relatively small number of lawyers who have come to the law through the human services professions, equipped with the practical knowledge necessary to evaluate clients and their disabilities. Parents should seek financial planners who are familiar with the expenses of raising a special-needs child.
Most important, special-needs trusts should not be boilerplate documents. Every individual with special needs is unique. The document should show understanding of the person's situation and capabilities.

Parents and beneficiaries can also use special-needs trusts to support advocacy and charitable organizations through charitable remainders, which can be incorporated into the trust. In this way, parents can not only insure the livelihood of their own children, but also guarantee the security of those with disabilities for years to come. Source:

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Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 6, 2013

Reply Filed by ACCG in Ancient Coins Test Case

The test case challenging import controls over ancient Chinese and Cypriot coins moved a step forward this week as the Ancient Coin Collector's Guild (ACCG) submitted its answer to a forfeiture complaint filed by proseuctors last month in Maryland federal district court.

The legal battle initially began in 2009 when the ACCG transported the coins from London to Baltimore, declaring that they were from China and Cyprus and had no known provenance or find spots. Customs officials seized the coins. Since then, the ACCG has lost rounds to retrieve the cultural items in the federal district court, the circuit court of appeals, and the supreme court. The ACCG continues to search for a legal victory.

In its latest June 19 pleading, the ACCG asserts several affirmative defenses to the government's forfeiture complaint. Among the group's arguments are claims that
The ACCG seeks a jury trial on these issues.

The ACCG's publicly reported expenses in the ancient coins test case have thus far totaled $49,973 according to the group's 2009 and 2010 Form 990-EZ tax filings, the most recent ones available online. ACCG board member Attorney Peter Tompa and his Washington, DC based law firm have been handling the case since its inception.

The ACCG is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, created as a public benefit corporation in Missouri in 2004. Papers filed with the Missouri secretary of state describe the nonprofit's stated mission to "promote and nurture the free and independent collecting of coins from antiquity" and "to foster an environment in which the general public can acquire and hold coins of historical interest."

This post is researched, written, and published on the blog Cultural Heritage Lawyer Rick St. Hilaire at Text copyrighted 2010-2013 by Ricardo A. St. Hilaire, Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLLC. Any unauthorized reproduction or retransmission of this post is prohibited. CONTACT INFORMATION:

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 6, 2013

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Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 6, 2013

Illegal Gambling and Money Laundering Prompt Forfeiture Complaint for Artwork

Prosecutors have filed a complaint in federal district court in Oklahoma City to forfeit artwork and other property allegedly connected with illegal gambling and money laundering.

Court papers filed on June 7, 2013 reveal that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) probed an enterprise based in Panama City, Panama, which allegedly conducted illegal internet gaming in the United States. Prosecutors claim that nine pieces of unspecified artwork seized by authorities in April are connected with the millions of dollars generated from the operation.

An FBI affidavit describes the alleged racket as having "established a number of business payment services, and financial schemes to help hide the nature of the gambling activity and to launder the money utilized to operate the illegal gambling enterprise."

Thirty-four defendants from the U.S., Canada, and Panama have been indicted in the Western District of Oklahoma on charges of illegal gambling, money laundering, and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO).

Besides art, other property singled out for forfeiture include money, real estate, jewelry, champagne, and memorabilia located in Arizona, Alabama, California, and Colorado.

Photo credit: sabercat

This post is researched, written, and published on the blog Cultural Heritage Lawyer Rick St. Hilaire at Text copyrighted 2010-2013 by Ricardo A. St. Hilaire, Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLLC. Any unauthorized reproduction or retransmission of this post is prohibited. CONTACT INFORMATION:

Ithaca Lawyer Reports New 5 Point Violations for Cell Phone, Texting, and Electronic Device While Driving

Dangerous Devices to Use While Driving in New York

Well the big news this weeks is the surprise from our own Governor Cuomo. You can still use a phone and even text while driving in many states. See map below.

Yellow States Still ALLOW Texting and Phone

The national trend is against ANY form of distracted driving via USE of ANY electronic device. New York is taking this all very seriously with these emergency measures, and wanting to put an end to what I consider to be "amateur" drivers.

Serious (High Point) Penalties and Consequences

1. Change to 5 Points for New York State violations of VTL 1225-c (use of a mobile telephone) and 1225-d (use of portable electronic devices) after June 1, 2013.

New York State already had laws against using a cell phone while driving, and texting while driving, and using any electronic devices while driving (think ipods, ipads, portable storage devices). For a short history lesson: It went from no points to five in less than two years. It was no points before February 2011, then 2 points in February 16, 2011, then 3 points in October 2011, NOW FIVE POINTS in June 2013.

2. This change will transform violations of VTL 1225-c and 1225-d into "high-point driving violations."

Now they are in the same category, and seriousness based on points as VTL 1212 Reckless Driving ( a five point misdemeanor), and VTL 1174 (a) failing to stop for a school bus.
For perspective this is more serious than VTL 375 (1) Inadequate Brakes on a truck (a 4 point misdemeanor).

3.  This change will also have significant consequences for those with prior "alcohol- or drug-related driving convictions or incidents" under the new 15 NYCRR Part 132 (dangerous repeat alcohol or drug offenders) and the recently amended Part 136 (Licensing or Relicensing After Revocation Action). Remember two serious traffic violations plus DWs and bye bye driver's license.

4. Added words = new definitions:

The law also adds to the definition of portable electronic device in VTL 1225-d (2) (a) "any other electronic device when used to input, write, send, receive, or read text for present or future communication." 

And the new term"using" is re-defined in 1225-d(2)(b) will be defined as "holding a portable electronic device while viewing, taking, or transmitting images, playing games, or, for the purpose of present or future communication: performing a command or request to access a world wide web page, composing, sending, reading, viewing, accessing, browsing, transmitting, saving or retrieving e-mail, text messages, instant messages, or other electronic data."

Bottom Line:

Don't look at or touch ANYTHING while driving except your steering wheel.

Lawrence (Larry) Newman, D.C., Esq.

Doctor of Chiropractic
Attorney and Counselor at Law


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