Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 2, 2006

Is Anita Back?

I received the following e-mail yesterday from someone on my project. It concerns an e-mail that he/she received from one of the agencies regarding the project. Tom the Temp's comments in bold.

Tom the Temp,

Anita may have been gone physically today but her handiwork is alive and well as evident by the below email from her agents at one of the agencies (looks like the old Anita is back).

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well. {doing okay aside from my mild case of carpal tunnel}.
Thank you again for weathering what I know has been a rocky month {more than a month, it is March already} or so on this project. I understand from the folks who are running the site that things are about to pick up however, and I thought this would be a good time to remind you of some general policies {rules} that must be followed:

First, make absolutely sure that you sign in and sign out accurately, and that what you record on the sign in/sign out sheet is consistent with what you record on your timesheets. {don't overbill - I hope the "vanishing princess" isn't on this project}.

Second, cell phone use, internet use, {we don't have internet, remember?} and other personal/recreational activities {we weren't playing squash or anything} like puzzles – other than when you are on your breaks – must be kept to a very bare minimum. {not just a bare minimum, but a "very" bare mininum} We have received complaints about excessive {that is a strong word} amounts of all three activities. This policy may have been relaxed during the slow weeks, but it is VERY important again starting now and going forward. {sign that "lockdown" is coming}.

Finally, just a reminder that the attorneys managing the site do have the ability to track exactly what work you have done on a daily basis and when. {big brother is watching} If they feel they have any reason to question your attention to the work, they will verify your productivity, and low numbers combined with things like cell phone use, etc. will be a basis for being removed from the project. {this is fair - hopefully, however, no more public executions for people caught with a game of minesweeper}.

Thank you all for taking note of these policies. We reiterate them not to harass you, but to make absolutely clear what is expected, so that no one is asked to leave the project for failure to follow them out of lack of notice. {thanks for the heads up. I just wish that all of the agencies would have informed their candidates. I didn't receive any notice}.

Please be in touch and let us know how else we can support you throughout the project.
Again, with many thanks.

Is this just a friendly reminder, or a sign that we are on the verge of another "lockdown." Only time will tell.

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