Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 3, 2006

Goldilox And The Three Moles

I work in a highly paranoid work environment. Every move made by Anita is carefully dissected, analyzed, re-analyzed, and scrutinized by the temps to the 9th degree. The simple occurrence of Anita being out for the day can generate hours worth of wild speculation and rumor-mongering. {Tom the Temp understands this phenomena. When you mislead people with regards to project duration/conditions, etc., this is the kind of work environment that you generate.}

The most recent rumor to pop up amongst the temps is that the worksite is loaded with moles. {A mole is a temporary attorney who secretly agrees to collect intelligence on his/her fellow co-workers in exchange for a higher pay rate. People are currently speculating that the "mole bounty" has recently increased due to the fact that the agencies/firms are so desperate to catch Tom the Temp.}

Who do people suspect are the moles? Well, for starters, we have Goldilox and the Bungling Bear. The two of them sit together all day, and they hardly speak to anyone. They are constantly whispering to one another and have been known to spend long periods of time sealed within Anita's glass-encased cubicle. Recently, it is alleged, they brought in "Mother Jones," their co-hort, who sits on the other side of the room. "Mother Jones" is rumored to have a special pad where she writes down all the intelligence that she has gathered on her cigarette breaks.

That leaves three moles. Well, what about the fourth? Who could it be? Could it be you? Could it be me? Could it be Tom the Temp? The paranoia goes on.

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