Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 5, 2006

An Iron-Will

"Crunch Time" continues. I apologize for not have written in the last couple of days. After 14 hours straight of staring into a dull, luminescent screen, the last thing I wanted to do was to go home and write on a blog. Frankly, I really think this job is starting to get to me. Walking out of work the other day, I felt faint, my vision became blurred, and I felt like I was going to pass out on the sidewalk. Many of my fellow co-workers and I are becoming worn-out. The level of after-hours drinking on the project has increased dramatically. Natalie's answer to this, by the way, is to throw an after the "crunch-time" drinking party. Personally, I think the money can be better spent in hiring an on-site AA counselor. Just a suggestion.

One particular individual on the project billed close to 95 hours last week! Talk about an iron-will! In order to accomplish this particular feat, he/she would have needed to stare into a luminescent screen in a tight, cramped work space for close to 13.5 hours a day (without any breaks) for seven straight days. If he/she was able to pull this off without the use of any chemical substances, my hat goes off to him/her.

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