Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 5, 2006

Student Loan Justice

Law Loans are often the chains of bondage that trap hoards of young people into years of crushing white-collar slavery. With non-dischargeable student loan payments often in excess of $1,000 monthly, one has little choice but to put up with the exploitive antics of Anita and Alfred Youngwood. There is a reason why people subject themselves to working with dead cockroaches and in sweatshops right out of the 19th century:

"Since 1997, student loans have become the most profitable, uncompetitive, oppressive, and predatory type of debt of any in the nation. This has occurred due to legislation that was paid for by the the lobbying machine of Sallie Mae, the largest student loan company in America. Vast personal fortunes are being made by both Sallie Mae executives, and others who paid for this legislation, at the expense of decent citizens who were not able to capitalize on their education. This has effectively crippled MILLIONS of decent citizens who want to repay their original debt, but are prevented from doing so by staggeringly higher amounts being demanded from them by both "non-profit", and for-profit student loan companies. This has truly created a swath of economic destruction across our land."

"According to Harvard Professor Elizabeth Warren in a Wall Street Journal piece by John Hechinger last year, "Student-loan debt collectors have power that would make a mobster envious."

Anyone who has the gumption to walk off Anita's project and anyone who dares to tell that abusive sidekick of hers to go to hell will have to contend with an angry mobster from the student-loan industry. Can anyone say leadpipe?

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