Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2007

Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto -- Lying, Low Class Sweatshop

Highlighted from the comments section:

"BEWARE of the firm Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto!

This is a firm that this past week started a '6 day project, through the weekend, with intensive hours' on a Thursday (so they won't have to pay any OT), then 'breaks the news' on Friday that 'there will be no work on the weekend and your services won't be needed until Monday night at 6 pm (?) or Tuesday morning for one day.'

This bullshit is occurring right now.

The project was staffed by Special Counsel, which doesn't seem to be a problem agency, at least not as much of a problem agency as FrankenDine, Update, or Lex. It seems that Fitzpatrick might have played them, too.

But you never know with these scumbag agencies - I'm sure common sense would've told them that they'd never be able to staff the project if they gave the real terms.

People have said that Fitzpatrick Cella plays this bait & switch game a lot."

"Horrible. We were shoved into a tiny room with no a/c. Air was stale and hot. We were watched constantly, and leaving the building was extremely difficult, if not impossible. We were cheated out of overtime, and the woman that ran the project tried to deny us our food and transportation, even though we were initially promised the stipend and even though we were required to work past 10 pm."

"Second that!

I was on a case for those assholes months and months ago. They would constantly run out of docs and send us home for a day or more while they reloaded.

While those problems might be IT/Hudson related, there was this asshole:

He roamed the cubicles and would literally knock on our cubicle walls if we were talking. Then one day he came up while I was eating my lunch and playing solitaire, very clearly on a break, and yelled at me for wasting billable time. Ironically, that was one of the few times when I wasn't on the clock and wasting billable time, but what did he know.

Anyway, I left that project and despite being called by Alan, Julie and Brett to come to another Fitzpatrick job I turned them down."


Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto motion passed 48 - 4.

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