Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 1, 2008

The "Update Legal" Shearman & Sterling Project

Looks like the Stepford Wives are up to their old good cop/bad cop routine:

"Some of the associates are really nice and understand that the rules suck. There are two who take the rules as license to go on a power trip. Lots of people have left and others are trying to find the escape hatch.

The only thing we were told on the phone when we signed up was the pay, location, and that it was a good place to be. At Update orientation the morning of the first day, we found out that it's strict hours, and they don't like it if we talk. 4 hours into it, we found out THE WHOLE TRUTH:

- $35 an hour, straight.

- Strict time - 9:30 - 7:30.
- 45 minute lunch
- ONLY from 12:45 - 1:30.
- Call Update to say you are taking longer lunch, and get the riot act thrown at you.

- Update told us the day it started (not on the phone when they wanted us to say yes we'll take it) that Shearman doesn't like it if people talk. Don't turn your chair to talk to one another. She wasn't kidding. They walk around watching you to see what you are doing and they will tell you off for talking.

- must write down all breaks.
- bathroom
- cell phone
- food
- blackberry messages / texts
- Started out with they won't dock us if it is up to 10 minutes.
- Changed to anything over 5 minutes and they will dock your time for the day. So if it's 8 minutes, you lose 3. But 5 breaks at 5 minutes each is okay. Makes no sense but neither does the rule. You still have to write it down, if it's under 5 minutes.

- No Internet at desk
- One internet computer for 20+ people
- modified 1 week later. Now only during lunch there are 2 computers - very difficult to get on so don't bother.

- no eating at desk at all
- modified 1 week later. Now you can have snacks but lunch should be in the eating area. Oh, and nothing smelly.

- On the 3rd day they said our productivity was too low and we need to amp it up. We did. They ran out of work/computer problems/ can't upload docs fast enough and this Tuesday we were sent home after 3 hours. Update said they wouldn't pay us for the 4th hour. I guess some people pointed out that it's in our contract and they relented.

-- They walk around pretending they are trying to find out if you need help, but really it's to make sure you're not doing ... well, anything."

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