"The New York Observer has answered a burning political question that never occurred to us, at least until now: 'If the major presidential candidates were top New York law firms, which ones would they be?'
Lawyers in New York — perhaps enjoying a bit more idle time than usual these days — energetically took up the question, offering all kinds of suggestions and nominations, David Lat wrote. Lawyers nationwide have showered Hillary Clinton with more campaign contributions than any other candidate, federal records show.
After some debate, Mr. Lat declared Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison the closest match for Mrs. Clinton. Why Paul Weiss? One anonymous lawyer at the firm suggested that, like the candidate, the firm had a reputation for being a bit, well, hard-driving. (The lawyer actually used a more colorful phrase.)"
Other similarities pop into mind. Paul Weiss and Hillary both have a long history of union busting. We all know what happened to dozens of contract attorneys at Paul Weiss when they complained to the media about their dangerous and unsanitary working conditions. Similarly, Hillary sat quiet on the board of Walmart during its heyday of union busting and outsourcing, when workers were terrorized and their rights were trampled upon.
Clinton also voted for the credit card company-supported bankruptcy bill, a provision which undoubtedly helped Youngwood keep dozens of young JD's trapped within his cockroach-ridden gulag.
By donating money to her primary campaign, Alfred Youngwood certainly supports Hillary. Will you?
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