Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 3, 2009


Looks like Barasso/Deloitte, the most infamous NJ sweatshop, is hiring again. Only now they are demanding 3-5 years of pharmaceutical drafting experience for the $29 an hour shitrate to churn docs in that miserable boiler room in Westfield.

Coders beware- the agencies often advertise this shit-gig on craigslist as Cranford NJ or Union NJ in a classic "bait and switch" since good old Barasso has such a notoriously bad reputation. They run this gig just like a factory- you literally all have to shut your computers down at once for mandatory breaks (which are unpaid of course.) No health or dental either and 1160 a week gross- a single guy or gal will bring home about 800 a week on this gig. I can't resist pointing out that that's 8000 less a year than a fucking NYC garbage man.

Plus the garbage man gets full health benefits, paid vacation/sick leave, dental, and other perks. Anyone still defending the law as a "career" has to be mentally ill and/or clinically insane. Just think: 4 years of undergrad, the LSAT, the first-year stress of finals, the hours studying and memorizing shitlaw, the 100 K + in loans, the Barbri hazing, the exam itself, and 5 years in the trenches drafting pharma shitpaper to earn significantly less than a high-school dropout garbage man!

It's beyond sad

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