Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 6, 2009

In Case You Missed It.....

Above the Law did a story on our friend DiscoverReady, yesterday.

"The Charlotte Observer reports that a legal services firm is poised to hire 100 Charlotte based attorneys:

Unfortunately, we're talking about document review attorneys:

DiscoverReady, which analyzes e-mails and electronic documents for law firms and corporate legal departments, is opening the office on Trade Street uptown in mid-June. The company has already hired about two dozen workers and will hire others in waves throughout the year, said Jim Wagner Jr., DiscoverReady's chief executive officer."

Surely, truly awful jobs are better than no jobs, but several commenters point out just how awful working for DiscoverReady can actually be:

"This is the temp job from hell. DiscoverReady and Shawn Treadwell at Strategic Legal repeatedly lied to the contract attorneys about the job, assuring us that we would start working the next day, then telling us at the last minute that there would be no work tomorrow. I quit the project, and still haven't been paid a month later. You're better off being unemployed."

"Don't get your hopes up. After being out of work for months following law school, I signed on with DiscoverReady to do doc review. I worked for 4 days, was told I did a good job, then never heard from them again. The pay rate is good, but not if you work 4 days every 6 months. I got a real job finally and then got an email asking if I was interested in working again, 6 months after having worked. Didn't bother replying."

"I have to add that when I asked the project manager at DiscoverReady (Andrew Mayer) if I could print out the timesheet that Strategic Legal had emailed me, he told me that I couldn't use their printers, but if I needed to print something, I could go to the Kinko's down the street."

DiscoverReady temps jobs are a horrible way to make a living, but an excellent way for the government and law school industry to mask how truly staggering and dismal the job market really is.

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