Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 11, 2009

1 Hour Notice

"This is my first MAJOR gripe about doc review in about 3 years. In July about 60 people were recruited by Lexolution to do a review for Dechert. The review initially went well. We did our job, had no complaints from the people upstairs and then all of a sudden we were told to pack our stuff because the project will be suspended until at least next week. We were given 1 hour notice on the eve of thanksgiving week! Some people actually need to prepare to take their belongings (e.g. tupperware, mugs, dinner, ipods, wires, etc.) since we practically lived there anyway and were all under the impression that the project was going to last through December

Its clearly obvious where we rank on the totem pole but they should've had the decency to give us more notice than 1 hour. To add insult to injury, we may also not qualify to file for unemployment until we find out whether in fact we are officially unemployed. We were told that we should know by Wednesday whether we're coming back. What a load of crap this is!

Of course, I'm not surprised that we were let go right before thanksgiving. After all, its not as if Dechert has any respect for social standards and to them we are a dime a dozen anyway. But at least have the decency to give us more notice than 1 hour! It is noteworthy that we were all let go on a Friday. Ya think this was planned in advance?

It just goes to show that there is no fraternity among the legal profession, nor are there any social boundaries. For the first time in my life, I'm thankful we have a penal code. Who knows, if murder were legal they would probably set the whole case room on fire just to avoid letting us have our unemployment benefits, which by the way, is not nearly enough to get by."

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