Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 11, 2009

Blacklisted By Lexolution

Wear it as a badge of honor. The arrogance and greed of those shysters is so great that they think they are immune from 19th century fire and labor code regulations.

"I just walked off a LeClair Ryan document review gig. Although the fact that I was thankfully offered a better paying job at another firm and by another agency, the work conditions at LeClair were so ridiculous that I probably would have left anyway. Some of the random activities prohibited at this jokehouse: wearing earphones, making phone calls, text msging, doing anything with your phone, having a non document review related conversation with anyone near you, etc.

Despite promptly notifying my rep, I still was graced with a bitchy phone call about how unprofessional I am. Oh, I almost forgot, 15 dollars an hour. Parking not included.

I imagine I'm now blacklisted from Lexolution, but I'm so bitter I couldn't care less."

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