Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 12, 2009


Hey Tom, a large project is gearing up with Synergy, a new gang of pimps in the doc review ghetto. Rate is $33 flat for 40 hours. Miserable does not begin to describe the situation. The incompetent old hags from Aronld & Porters DC office are running the "training gulag."

First you have to fill out a 12,590 page conflict form listing every firm, matter, and case you've handled since being admitted to the bar, as well as the name of your first grade teacher, blood type, and scores of other irrelevant and personal info. They have been bouncing the forms back again and again for even the smallest typo or discrepancy. Apparently the case involves Avon. Let me tell you, those Arnold & Porter hags sure could use some - they should lay it on like drywall spackle and then sand off the excess.

Anyway, only 2 days into training they already cut 1/3 of the 50 coders for "failing" a pathetic doc review test (maybe they're taking lessons from Lady Barasso). Now they're in scramble mode to replace them ASAP- so all coders beware! Stay as far away from this shitshow as possible- the in-house counsel and Arnold & Porter will be breathing down your neck like it was Alcatraz. The coder/straw boss ratio is like 2:1. I'd rather ride around on a garbage truck than push paper with these devils. A & P obviously have zero experience running this size review- I'm half tempted to write the Avon CEO and let them know that their "counsel" have their heads up their asses (or are their heads their asses- hard to tell!)

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