Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 11, 2010

A complaint has been filed with a court seeking to declare my pet dog as being dangerous. What does this mean? What are my rights?

Answer.      In New York, a judge, after a hearing can declare a dog to be dangerous. This determination is made if the judge determines the dog to have bitten a person, another animal or to have vicious tendencies.
If found dangerous, the judge may order the owner to: euthanize the dog at the owner’s expense; purchase expensive liability insurance; construct a fence to contain the dog; or muzzle the dog.   
          Just as in a traditional trial, you have the right to be represented by an attorney at the hearing, the right to call witnesses and to present expert proof that your family pet is not a dangerous dog.
If a dangerous dog complaint is filed against you, an attorney familiar with the local and state dangerous dog statutes should be consulted to ensure you and your family pet are protected.

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