Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 12, 2011

Attention Rescues -Albany County, NY creates nation's third animal abuse registry. Failure to check registry prior to adoption creates a civil penalty

The Albany County Legislature voted unanimously on October 18, 2011, which will take effect in 90 days, to establish an animal abuser registry, making it the third county in New York, and the nation, to pass such a law. Over the past year, both Suffolk County and Rockland County have approved similar legislation. The registry will be publicly accessible and will facilitate the tracking of convicted animal abusers and prevent those offenders from purchasing or adopting animals.

The pertinent portions of the new law includes: The law will apply to persons over sixteen (16) years of age convicted of misdemeanor and felony crimes for animal cruelty, animal fighting, sexual abuse of an animal, and harming service or police animals. Registered offenders will remain on the registry for ten (10) years following a conviction on a first offense and for life following any subsequent offenses. A conviction for failure to register will result in a misdemeanor and the offender may be incarcerated for up to one (1) year and fined up to $1,000.

Importantly for animal businesses, rescue groups and individuals who sell or adopt animals in Albany County is the provision which mandates that any person or group selling, offering for adoption, or otherwise transferring animals must check the registry to ensure that the potential owner is not listed on it. Failure to check the registry is a violation and is punishable by a fine of $5,000.

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