Abuse from the home to the courthouse and back again
The twist of irony …people trying to flee from abuse in the home only wind up having to deal with abuse in the courthouse. The system is broken. Plagued by favors owed and political and mutually beneficial relationships that deny the public and “non-connected” attorneys due process.
I have seen too much and it’s clear that the system needs to change, but will it?
Choosing judges who are not versed on the law ….who do not have the fitness of character ….who are need of extra $$$$….and who owe their careers to the local political attorneys and organizations have proven disastrous and dangerous. Favors are owed ….memories are long ….acceptance is paramount …promotions sought …..all at the price of integrity, fairness, and due process.
We need a system based on merits, checks and balances, and oversight and accountability. We unequivocally are lacking these essential components that comprise a just legal system.

About susansettenbrino
ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY of the Kings County District Attorney’s Office -- Appellate Trial Bureau 2000-2003 ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR- Business Law, Brooklyn College, 2000-2001 ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY- Department of Housing Preservation & Development (“HPD”), NYC, 1994-1997. Former Co-Chair of the American Bar Association Subcommittee on Judicial Ethics Former Co-Chair of the American Bar Association Subcommittee on Ethics & Professionalism PRESENT ACTIVITY: Attorney in Private Practice Since 2003-Present -- Specializing in complex trial and appellate litigation, Admitted to the NJSB and NYSB, Southern & Eastern District Courts of New York, & The U.S. Tax Court. Of Counsel to the NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind’s Task Force on Sexual Abuse. Radio Talk Show Host, 2006-present, on 570 AM, with an audience of ~170,000-- Airing monthly with special focus on discussing compelling legal & political issues with notable guests. Member of the NYSLTA, ABA, & NYSBA, Family Law, Custody, Legislative, Litigation & Ethics Committees. RECENT HONORS: Nominated for 2010 “Woman of The Year Award” Recipient of 2009 Honor Citation from Martin J. Golden, New York State Senator of The 22nd Senate District. Recipient of 2009 Honor Proclamation from David I. Weprin, Council Member of The 23rd District, The Chair of The New York City Council Finance Committee. 2009 Jerusalem Reclamation Project Honoree 2009 Humanitarian Award from the Aleh Foundation, serving the needs for severely disabled children in Israel. 2007 Guest of Honor, Jewish Education Program Annual Dinner. ACTIVE CAMPAIGN: To Implement Legislation & Other Safe Guards & Programs To Gain Fair Access To The Courts In Appearance & Reality For Litigants & Attorneys.
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