Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 9, 2012

Ivory Smuggler Pleads Guilty in US v. Gordon

Federal prosecutors in the eastern district of New York last week secured a conviction in the case of United States v. Victor Gordon.  Gordon entered a plea of guilty on September 18 to a substituted charge of smuggling elephant ivory under the African Elephant Conservation Act 16 USC 4223 et seq.
A federal grand jury indicted the Philadelphia art dealer in July 2011, charging him with conspiracy to smuggle elephant ivory, four counts of smuggling, and five Lacey Act violations. See here for further background.

The plea agreement calls for the uncontested forfeiture of hundreds of ivory tusks, ivory carvings, and at least $150,000 in cash.

Darren LaVerne handled the plea hearing for the prosecution.  Sentencing is scheduled for April 23, 2013.  [UPDATE: The court date has been changed to August 2013].

Photos courtesy of USFWS.

This post is researched, written, and published on the blog Cultural Heritage Lawyer Rick St. Hilaire at Text copyrighted 2012 by Ricardo A. St. Hilaire, Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLLC. CONTACT:

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