Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 4, 2013

Three Upcoming Cultural Property Law Programs

Photo credit: Plex
Cultural property law is a fascinating and diverse field.  Knowledge of this area of law is valuable to museum professionals, archaeologists, art historians, paleontologists, collectors, dealers, lawyers, and more.  That is why three upcoming programs are worth exploring.

International Art & Cultural Heritage Law will be taught in Rome by Villanova Law's Diane Edelman.  More information can be found here.

If staying stateside is more convenient, a intensive one week session on Cultural Property Law will be offered by yours truly at Plymouth State University in July.  Register for the Heritage Studies course by clicking here.

In November 2013, the DePaul College of Law will host a symposium on the Repatriation of Archaeological and Ethnological Objects.  More information can be found here.

This post is researched, written, and published on the blog Cultural Heritage Lawyer Rick St. Hilaire at Text copyrighted 2010-2013 by Ricardo A. St. Hilaire, Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLLC. Any unauthorized reproduction or retransmission of this post is prohibited. CONTACT:

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