With the help of the inflation calculator http://www.westegg.com/inflation/, here is concrete proof of some of the massive tuition gouging that has been going on during the last 9 years at some ABA approved NY area law schools:
1997 Tuition / '97 Tuition in '06 $'s / Actual 2006 Tuition
Albany: $18,905 / $23,489 / $35,079
Brooklyn: $20,640 / $25,645 / $37,525
Buffalo: $7,350 / $9,132 / $12,170
Cardozo: $19,780 / $24,576 / $36,900
CUNY: $4,840 / $6,014 / $8,900
Columbia: $25,128 / $31,221 / $40,024
Cornell: $23,100 / $28,701 / $39,690
Fordham: $22,600 / $28,080 / $36,670
Hofstra: $21,182 / $26,318 / $35,260
NYLS: $20,770 / $25,807 / $40,478
NYU: $24,740 / $30,739 / $38,980
St. John's: $21,000 / $26,092 / $35,900
Syracuse: $21,136 / $26,261 / $35,120
Touro: $19,150 / $23,793 / $32,300
Tuition gouging increases student debt loads, which will only help to proliferate the growth of vicious biglaw temporary sweatshops:
"Or maybe what attracts employers to college {and law school} grads is the scent of desperation. Unless your parents are rich and doting, you will walk away from commencement with a debt averaging $20,000 {$150,000 - law school} and no health insurance. Employers {Lily, Anita, Youngwood, Piggy, etc.} can safely bet that you will not be a trouble-maker, a whistle-blower or any other form of non-'team-player.' You will do anything. You will grovel."
In other news, another stressed-out associate bites the dust:
Stressed-Out Associate's Death Ruled an Accident (?)
New York Lawyer, May 15, 2007
An associate at the London headquarters of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer who fell to his death at the city's famed Tate Modern gallery was suffering from cannabis-induced depression, the Evening Standard report. That conclusion was reached in a coroner's finding that the death of George Matthew Courtney, 27, after falling from his perch on a bannister while using his Blackberry PDA, was accidental. But the associate lifestyle may have played a part, as Courtney was one of several associates who had reportedly approached firm management about the stress of grinding out 14 hour days to hit billable targets in the weeks before his death in February and had also discussed the problems he was having with his long hours and sleeplessness to his psychologist.
Cannabis-induced depression, what the hell?