Meet William Neukom. "Nuke' em" is president-elect of the American Bar Association. "Nuke' em" has a long history of trying to screw over contract attorneys. Several years ago, Seattle firm Preston Gates, which "Nuke' em" is the chairman of, was successfully sued for denying overtime pay and rest breaks to many of its contract attorneys.
"Nuke 'em" will head an organization which directly affects the day-to-day lives of thousands of contract attorneys. In the past, the ABA standing committees have given law firms carte blanche authority to mark up the costs of contract attorneys by over 300%, allowed law firms to successfully outsource contract attorney work to India, and have allowed the law schools to continue their practice of falsifying graduate career statistics. In short, the ABA has been instrumental in providing biglaw with a steady stream of disposable (disproportionately minority), cheap labor. Is it any wonder why we have now reached a point where profits per partner have truly become "recession proof"?
I wonder what policies "Nuke 'em" will advocate for during his reign of terror?
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