Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 9, 2007

DLA Piper

Another student commits suicide over massive student loan debt:,CST-NWS-SUICIDE24.article

"When he graduated in summer 2006, he was unable to find a job despite sending out dozens of resumes. Meanwhile, he watched his loan balance grow. He moved back in with his mom, who lives in a small trailer home in Normal. When the collectors called, they asked him, 'When are you going to pay? Can't you get your mom to sell her house? Late last month, in the middle of the night, Yoder apparently let himself into the ISU lab. Then he hooked up a tube to a nitrogen valve and ran it inside a plastic bag around his head.

Before his death, although Jason helped set up a fledgling tea room his mother runs with her sisters, he was wary of taking a job outside of his field because he feared his wages would be garnisheed. That could tip potential employers to his credit woes. Collinge said many employers won't hire people with bad credit."

Which sort of reminded me of DLA Piper's highly intrusive background check in which they "need" to know if you have any defaults, bankruptcies, or credit issues all for a friggin TEMP JOB!

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