Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 9, 2007

The Blacklist

When firms black list attorneys for petty personal non business reasons, that
have absolutely nothing to do with an attorney's competence, work ethic, ability
or professional demeanor they further lower the bar for the profession as a
whole. The reality is that many contract or temporary attorneys register with
several agencies to insure a steady workflow. We are mercenaries. A number of
agencies are fine with this. Others repeatedly hire the same people and others
like Update, Lexolution and now DeNovo blacklist people for petty idiosyncratic
reasons. Law firm personnel who are being bribed by these firms need to come
clean and bid and staff their projects through several agencies so that the
firms can hire from a deeper talent pool rather than those clowns who suck up to
Eileen Lamboy, Scott Krowitz or Evelyn Louie. Update will staff retards with low
IQ's as long as they bill as many hours for the work provided and never express
any thing other than positive feedback to the agency or its represenatives. I
have seen borderline imbeciles repeatedly staffed by these agencies while other
more competent and independent minded people do not even get a call.

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