Blackletter Discovery placed a group of 35 attorneys on a job in San Francisco, based on the following terms:
1) It would last 3-4 months
2) There would be "plenty of overtime"
3) There would be suitable working conditions
Instead, here is what we got:
1) One week into the job, we were told that, oops, the job would be ending in two weeks. So, for those of you doing the math, the job went from 3-4 months to 3 weeks. We were also told that regardless of the changed circumstances we were required to finish the job and not look for other work.
2) Overtime was also cut off at the same time. Of course, when we asked the recruiter if we could look into other contract opportunities that included overtime, we were harshly scolded (i.e. if you do that, our firm will never hire you again, and we will tell every other firm that you don't follow through on your commitments).
3) There was no air conditioning, and no windows. Let me tell you, an enclosed space, with no ventilation gets extremely stuffy, smelly, and hot within hours. Try living in it for 8 hours a day for 3 weeks.
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