Bankrupt, unemployed, and homeless. That was the outcome for me after graduating from St. John’s. I graduated ranked in the middle of my class, just above the median. I passed the July bar exam and was subsequently admitted to the New York State bar. But for years I applied for work at every level - from custodian to store cashier to legal secretary to attorney - and found that my St. John’s degree made me as employable as an ex-felon. I was overqualified for most non-legal work, but considered under-qualified to be hired as an attorney. As a new graduate, I had neither the financial resources nor the expertise to establish my own practice; I could not afford the cost of blueback paper much less the cost of malpractice insurance. Unemployed for years and having incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt, I found myself basically bankrupt and homeless. Under these circumstances, the only unexplored avenue was applying for public assistance i.e. food stamps, “workfare” cash payments, housing vouchers, Medicaid. Before law school, I had a clerical job that was uninspiring but paid $60,000 in annual salary with excellent benefits. Obviously, I strongly recommend against going to St. John’s under any circumstance. For the overwhelming majority of students, St. John’s will take your money and throw you underneath the bus. To those who do not believe they can fall as far as I did, read on:
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