"I can’t imagine any other industry where people with the same education are divided into two groups with all of the benefits, advancement potential, and job openings being reserved only for the smaller, whiter, more male, and more affluent group. Meanwhile, the other group is segregated into basements, storage spaces, and warehouses; paid substantially less (though often billed to clients at substantially similar rates) than the elite group; and told that they will never, ever be allowed to join the elite group or advance in any way, no matter how good of a job they do, no matter what level of skills they demonstrate, no matter how often they are asked to train new members of the elite, and no matter how often they are asked to do more substantive tasks. If they don’t like the basement, they can go start start their own business or find employment outside of that industry because their kind need not apply to any other jobs available within that industry. BigLaw employment attorneys would be salivating over the potential lawsuits if they found this situation in any other industry."
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