Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 8, 2008

Outsourcing A-Okay, Says ABA

"Though lawyers, they are as vociferous in their opposition to outsourcing as union members. After Perla compared the skills of U.S. contract lawyers unfavorably with those of Pangea3 lawyers in an interview with the Law Journal earlier this year, he was vilified in online message boards and blogs frequented by contract lawyers. The blog "Temporary Attorney: the Sweatshop Edition" called Perla an "anti-American traitor."

Scott Bullock, a contract lawyer who has blogged about the woeful economics of non-big-firm practice, said, "It's just preposterous that we have to go to an American law school and pass a bar exam and then see our jobs shipped overseas. Why even require people to go to law school?"

But Bullock said he was not surprised to see the ABA back outsourcing. He said the bar group is widely perceived among contract lawyers as representing the interests of wealthy partners at large law firms."

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