Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 5, 2009

Update Legal

"I just found your blog but wish I found it earlier before I wasted my time with Update Legal. They called me for a job that supposedly paid $35 in Manhattan but I had to work 8-10 hour days with no overtime pay (is that legal??). The interview is in Jersey but they assured me that the work would be done in Manhattan. Then, right before my interview, I give them a call to ask last minute questions and that's when they tell me that the job is in Jersey and I would have to commute every day there. Then to make matters worse, they said that if I take the job, I'm not allowed to look for permanent work anymore. After paying taxes, and paying for a dog walker and paying for the commute and paying with my sanity, my dog walker would make more than me.

This might not be newsworthy but I have to agree that they are some shady bastards. They also called me on another job basically trying to get me to lie about one of my qualifications to make me seem more qualified than I was."

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