Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 5, 2009

Vanessa Vidunas Strikes Again

"Vanessa Vidunas of the Merrill Corporation, another intruder into the inundated Manhattan temp market, just called to inform me that the partner-in-charge of their project at Labaton Sucharow had changed his mind over the weekend and now required contract attorneys to be barred in New York, apparently deciding that my membership in the California Bar did not qualify to click my mouse on his precious document review. So fuck me, I am no longer on the project.

Seems unprofessional to take back an offer, but to us peons who gives a shit? Never mind that I 'almost' turned down another offer (same low rate) but thank God I've been doing this crap to know the golden rule of temping in NYC. Never turn down an offer until you've been on the job for a day or two to see if it's for real. Let that be a lesson to all you newbies who've been downsized to the cellar that is being a contract attorney in this town."

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