Hell on earth.
"Asking about horrible places to work, Viacom is the worst of the worst.
Working in a small, overcrowded room under the worst possible conditions with no benefits. The case manager was like an animal.
Before the weekend we were asked who wanted to work and who didn't (strictly voluntarily). The people who didn't work were called over the weekend without warning and told not to come back. There was no indication there was any price to not working the weekend.
This is why Viacom is consistently rated one of the worst companies to work for.
Lest you think they only treat temps like shit, last December "the dreaded Viacom" laid off 850 people without warning.
Sumner Redstone famously said "Viacom is me" and fired people like Tom Cruise, Dan Rather, and Les Moonves at the drop of a hat. He's a senile bully."
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