Lexolution is using a legal loophole to exploit desperate, unemployed legal workers, carrying enormous student loan debt and attempting to make a living somehow, because Lexolution DOES NOT PAY OVERTIME TO ITS WORKERS IN VIRGINIA and may not in DC – this is EXPLOITATION AT BEST AND ALL FIRMS DOING BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY UNDER THESE CONDITIONS SHOULD BE EXPOSED AND BOYCOTTED by their clients. Any firms outsourcing to foreign workers abroad should also be boycotted because they are taking legitimate jobs away from Americans. The laws allowing this continued exploitation must be changed immediately. PASS THE WORD.
In the heart of the confederacy and the slave capitol, you will be low balled and paid less than in the DC market always. You will never get $35 - $40 an hour, plus overtime down here.
To be avoided at all costs LeClair Ryan in Richmond, VA unless you are truly, truly desperate and can endure slave-like working conditions. Some allegedly brilliant, clueless idiot thinks people are more productive working 10 – 12 hour days if they are not allowed to talk, have no access to their cell phones (to view, answer or make any calls), and are limited to a 30 minute, unpaid lunch break in which to conduct any of their own personal affairs and eat a lunch when they are working through the regular business hours of all legitimate companies and businesses. If you are off the computer for more than a six-minute interval you are required to bill it administrative time, so if by law you are entitled to a fifteen (15) minute break for every four (4) hours you work (IN ADDITION TO YOUR 30-MINUTE LUNCH), how does that equate to being legal??? Furthermore, their database and computer systems are a complete disaster because they never seemed to work properly causing workers to do the same work over and over, or be aware of the latest changes (occurring every 5 minutes it seemed and if you happened to be out of the room at that moment, you were out of luck and doing the document review incorrectly and ever so slowly).
They have so many petty, juvenile rules you feel like you are back in elementary school where the teacher is watching over you every minute and admonishing you for the least infraction, like eating a non-candy item while sitting at your computer. There is no parking provided in the downtown area and you are strictly forbidden from entering certain areas of their offices (as if anyone wanted to go anywhere, but home once they arrived at this office). Their total disregard for the intelligence and professionalism of contract attorneys working there was made evident by the fact that they announced at the end of the work day when many attorneys had already left for the day that they would not begin working until 9:00am the next day, instead of the regular 7:00am starting time, so anyone coming two hours early (and many people did) they would not be paid and were forced to wait around without pay for two hours. Note that the firm did apologize for failing to notify Lexolution to call their people and inform them of the change in starting time --- great consolation to people who lost money, sleep and were enormously inconvenienced by that oversight!!! But that wasn’t the final icing on this cake folks, after being assured that all of the contract attorneys would be coming back to work the following day by a LeClair employee and relying to their detriment on that assurance, Lexolution emailed most people the very same evening and instructed them not to return to LeClair, to mail in their security card and that they would make arrangements to meet us to get any items we may have left at LeClair.
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