Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 8, 2009

The ABA Isn't Amused

Above the Law and even Ann Coulter seemed to have gotten a kick out of Law Is 4 Loser's new blog.

Apparently, the ABA isn't such a big fan.

"Wow, that didn't take long. I posted ONE link to "Big Debt, Small Law" in the comment section over at the ABA journal website and it was quickly censored and scrubbed. I was sent the following email from those jackals just minutes ago:

I gave you a pass when your post, with blog link, was on topic, but
you're now in the realm of spam and self promotion, which violates our
comment policy.
This and similar future posts will be removed.

Guess I'm too much of a "Legal Rebel" for our pals at the ABA, eh? Did you guys catch the pathetic video of the dork who's running this new "legal rebels" farce? He's about as "rebellious" as Ralph Malph from Happy Days the time he borrowed Fonzie's leather jacket and pretended to be a biker to lay some chick. It didn't work for him, did it?

The proprietor of this website (and his many followers) are the true legal rebels. We were saying this shit when these coddled ex-Biglaw pansies and Above the Law geeks were still in diapers."

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