Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 8, 2009

The Outsourcing Cheerleader Crew

Someone sent me the following link from Susan Cartier Liebel, wanting me to respond to some hit job offered by an anonymous contract attorney criticizing the "victimization" mentality offered by this and the "Big Debt Small Law" blog.

Frankly, I see no need to respond to the Susan Liebel, Carolyn Elefant, and Lisa Solomon crowd. Responding and arguing with those hacks would only provide them with greater visibility to sell and tout their worthless books and online solo university seminars. This blog generates ZERO in terms of ad revenue, and frankly running it has become more aggravation than it is worth. Take from it what you like.

"In case anyone fails to feel their full measure of shame over unemployment, there is an entire shame industry to whip them into shape: The career coaches, self-help books, motivational speakers and business gurus who preach that whatever happens to you must be a result of your own "attitude." Laid off and coming up empty on your job search? You must be too "negative," and hence attracting negative circumstances into your life. To paraphrase one career coach I encountered during my research for Bait and Switch: We're not here to talk about the economy or the market; we're here to talk about you.

Shame is a potent weapon, but it should never be used against the already-injured and aggrieved. Instead, let's turn it against the aggrievers: Shame on Ford and GM for putting all their eggs in the SUV basket and then laying off thousands. Shame on the CEO's who make eight-figure incomes while their lowest paid employees trudge between food banks. Shame on Congress for leaving us with an unemployment insurance program that covers only a little more than a third of the laid off."

- Barbara Ehrenreich

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