Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2012

Objection to Bill of Particulars Filed in U.S. v. Khouli et al.

The defendants have more than enough information.  So says the government’s 17 page objection to a bill of particulars filed by defendants in the case of United States v. Khouli et al.

Earlier this month co-defendants Joseph A. Lewis II and Salem Alshdaifat submitted a bill of particulars requesting detailed discovery from the prosecution.  The two were indicted last year in a New York federal district court in for their alleged roles in trafficking antiquities.  They want information from the prosecution about which ports were used to import the antiquities, what documents were provided to Customs, and which representations on Customs forms were false.  Mousa "Morris" Khouli, another co-defendant and an antiquities dealer, pleaded guilty to charges on April 18.

Assistant United States Attorney Karin Orenstein on Aprl 27 filed an objection to the bill of particulars, arguing “The defendants’ demands for particulars seek granular detail of the government’s proof, and the government has already provided more than the law requires. The Indictment and the discovery, which includes a verified civil complaint and multiple search warrants, provide the defendants with all the information they need to understand the specific acts of which they are accused.”

Attached to AUSA Orenstein’s objection is a sheet outlining the information that has been provided to the defense. It lists such items as bank records; search warrant affidavits concerning homes, emails, and businesses; postal records; UPS records; photographs of antiquities; Paypal records; travel records; customs documents; insurance documents; and Go Daddy accounts.

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