Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 7, 2007

E.P. Slime

Just letting you know that Dine & Quinn Emanuel pulled a bait & switch. Job was sold as $35/hr + OT(that should've been the clue, since that's a high rate for Dine and they never pay OT). 50-60 hrs/wk. $20 meal reimbursement after 10 hrs.

Then when we get there, we find out it's only 40 hrs/wk. Obviously, no meal reimburse b/c no 10 hrs. We're trying to find out when the OT starts, but all we get is "Soon".

This old shyster from Dine, Norman Fashler ("VP of Operations") is there every day, probing the psyches of all the temps, trying to find out who's unhappy with this. "How's everything going?" He asks this question while issuing forth a probing energy, trying to find out what's going on inside of you. Very insidious. This guy obviously has learned all the techniques for interrogation - perhaps he was once in the CIA.... Check out his credentials on the Dine Temp website. "Defense Contracting". He must've washed out of the CIA then to be forced to go to the bottom of the barrel, temp agency-wise...

I feel bad for Shawn Treadwell, the recruiter from Dine. He seems like a nice guy (I spoke with him at length about the bad rep Dine has, and he answered my questions honestly and still placed me.) I get the feeling he's stuck in a bad position right now, for not only does Dine have a bad rep amongst temps, but it also does amongst other agencies. Not sure he's able to easily make a lateral move somewhere less satanic....

There's a lot more juicy stuff.... Will keep you posted.

Update: They're dropping like flies here. People are leaving the project in droves b/c of the bait-and-switch. The market is picking up again after a slow few months, so there are now options for experienced doc reviewers...

Now Dine has an ad on Craigs List to replace those people with "10+ admitted attorneys". Once again, they say it will pay $35+OT, and have the gall to say "substantial OT". You might want to post a warning about this and officially break the bait and switch story. (PS - Quinn is also complicit in this bait and switch - they keep saying OT will come "soon", that the hrs will "ramp up". I believe that Dine and Quinn got together and Dine told Quinn that they wouldn't be able to staff the project w/o the OT promise... So Quinn should get lambasted, too...)

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